Tuesday 22 April 2014

Levi Strauss Theory

As well as Aristotle deciding that 'all drama is conflict' in the 4th century BC, 20th century theorist Claude Levi-Strauss suggested that all narratives had to be driven forward by conflict that was cause by a series of opposing forces. He called this the theory of Binary Opposition, and it is used to describe how each main force in a narrative has its equal and opposite. Analysing a narrative means identifying these opposing forces.
It means understanding how the conflict between the opposing forces will drive the narrative on until; finally, some sort of balance or resolution is achieved.

Levi-Strauss used the ‘Western’ film genre to develop his theory of Binary Oppositions.

List binary oppositions that you can think of from the crime then the horror genres? Give specific examples from texts you know.

Good – Bad
Police – Villain
Drugs – Money
Power – Dictator
Officer – Gangster
Team – Solo
Conflict – Peace
Truth – Lies
Fair – Corrupt
Loyal – Selfish
Freedom – Trapped

Life – Death
Smart – Stupid
Safe – Unsafe
Eire – Settled
Vulnerable – Safe
Silence – Noise
Tension – Laid back
Dark – Light
Together – Alone
Nightmare – Mare

 Fear - Peace

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