Tuesday 8 October 2013

Age Representation

How are different age groups represented in the Media?

Age in the in the Eastenders clip is represented as:

Elderly/Disabled (60-65+):
This scene is based on the return of Jim who is an elderly disabled man and when he returns home from  being ill in the hospital is treated with the upmost respect but is also handled like a baby, for example when he's attempting to get out of the taxi and is getting helped out he doesn't seem to want to be helped. The scene is made up to benefit him such as when he comes home into the living room the house is a stereotypical house for someone elderly. Old fashioned furnishings and an LP type music playing in the background defining his age. His peers in the living room also do not know how to act when he walks in.

Middle-aged (30-60):
Jim's son, Max, is represented as a middle aged man who isn't phased by his fathers return to the Square. He treats the news by being stereotypical for his age by going to the pub and having a drink to deal with the news. His appearance is also rectified as a middle-aged man by his blatant laid back approach to his appearance with bad hair and scruffy style facial hair.

20's to 30's:
These are represented in the clip of doing activities for the Elderly and aid them to do tasks which ask too much of them, for example Stacey is asked by Dot to go and tell Bradley to help Jim out of the taxi. This shows how they are depended upon by Elderly people. At the same time their appearance is clear to show their age. Girls looking more attractive to show they're at the highest peak of their life and want to show off and Boys seem to act as if they're invincible and they're too good for doing anything they don't want to do.

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