Thursday 3 October 2013

Gender Objectification for Toys

Genderised Toys

This is a battery operated Quad 'Power Wheels Dune Race' clearly aimed at boys. This is a gender objectified advertisement as it doesn't show any girls in the advert so it doesn't appeal to them. It's also clear within the colours such as blue, green and black. This is clear due to the male and female stereotypical thought that females are less of a good driver than males.
This is why these types of advertisements are objectifying genders acting in this case that males are more superior than girls and that girls wouldn't enjoy this type of activity.

This is an advertisement for a girls castle and is clearly shown that it is for girls by the pink colours and the fact it's clearly based of fairytale characters. It is also indicated that girls are more prepared to make homes and make them their own. They are also stereotypically expected to maintain families and be able to look after their own. This is portrayed through doll families and how they treat them.

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